Now is then – at least the questions remain

When preparing the Content Summit 2001 –  a conference that would be dominated by the many consequences 9/11 had for the publishing industry and particularly  for their online operations – I was asking Knut Felchenberg of the very successful Norwegian media company Schibsted to speak at this session.


November 7, 2001, in the afternoon
Mobile Content
Your best customer are mobile; are you?

Can existing content providers expect substantial new sources of revenues in the mobile market? Should they build “content mobilizing” companies? It is obvious: Your content needs to be mobile, it is the only way to follow your users around. It is also what your advertisers are starting to find out. Now, what kind of offerings can you develop that do the double trick – serve your brand and your users….and be irresistible for your advertisers? In addition: A look at location based content value propositions.


Is it not amazing how similar the question is today? We are working with ADONnews to offer our publishing clients a mobile advertising platform that could help them to serve their users, their brand and their advertisers in a mobile world.

By the way if you are interested in the strategic plan behind Schibsted, see what Sverre has to say.